Breaking Through Your Money Gap

Earlier last week I told you about the free mini workshop I’m presenting on Thursday evening at the library (6:30, Oct 1), Challenge My Money Programming. With that, I’ll now introduce and invite you to participate in a longer workshop series of that same venue — The Challenges of Your Money Paradigm, Breaking Through Your Money Gap. This workshop series takes you and your money a step further for a deeper look into yourself to clear and release any emotions or blocks you may have to achieving your own wealth goals.

This will be a series of six workshops designed to explore and uncover more layers of your money challenges and wealth set points.

We will begin with the exercise of Your Confidential Money Map focusing broadly on your self talk, emotions, and events or traumas associated with the 5 kinds of money. From there you will find it helpful as we explore your early money paradigm that you received at a fairly young age. The A-HA moments of where it came from and how you may be living this same programming now are essential pieces in the clearing process.

What about your business and personal goals? Have you had a business go bad? Were there events you deemed as negative that taught you not to trust yourself? A time you worked so hard to build something, only to feel betrayal over it? We will address and walk through these past traumas. You will set goals and discover where you feel the resistance and why those goals are unmet or why you don’t feel safe making bigger goals.

We will look at worth, deserving and your belief system around how hard you have to work for your money; how much you should earn and how much you should save. I will show you how to break the cycle of ‘always striving but never arriving’ and how to move out of the big mummy bag of being invisible.

Wealth means different things in different scenarios to different people. In these workshops I will use money as the vehicle to open up your early programming and see what is there, how you talk about it and how you feel and express yourself about it. What you may notice is that aspects of your life will pop out with moments of clarity about the wealth and well being of love, health and relationships.

Becoming aware of what drives you, honoring how you are and what brought you here, and choosing to release that which no longer serves you is a formula for bridging the gap between the life you want and the life you have.

I’m looking to set this workshop series up a couple of different ways.
1) I would ask you to respond to me with interest in this series and and times that work best for you.
2) Or I could choose Thursday evenings 6:00 – 8:00 Oct. 8 through Nov. 12

The cost of the 6 workshop series is $125.00. I would consider presenting this workshop in two separate sessions each week, i.e. an evening setting and a separate afternoon or Saturday setting. If I had four or more people per series the multiple weekly sessions could work well. If we had two different groups and you missed a class, you could make it up in the other class or I could do a make up version with you,

I invite you to dialog with me about any of the content and good meeting times for you. Thank you. I’m most appreciative of your time and I look forward to sharing this series with you.

All my best,


Challenge Your Money Programming – Map It Out!

If you had some way to see exactly what’s stopping you from having more wealth in your life,
from saving more money and from paying off your debt, would that pique your interest? Yes? Come listen and participate in a free talk that focuses on your wealth. “Challenge Your Money Programming – MAP IT OUT”.

I’m inviting you to join me at the East Bonner County Library in Sandpoint on October 1 at 6:30 pm to Challenge Your Money Programming. Based on your early programming you may have wealth set points that are holding you back from a fabulous savings account and your greater income potential.

In this free workshop we will uncover and clarify your money programming to show you your wealth set points and clear the emotions and beliefs that keep you there. You will see how to move into the re-creation of your own paradigm by making and supporting your own money goals and choices now.

Through this process I will teach you a powerful ‘Money Map’ process that delivers A-HA moments and show you how to uncover and self-diagnose your personal wealth blocks that are limiting your money right now.

If, at the end of this workshop, you are interested in moving forward with your money, you will have the opportunity to receive information on a six week workshop series to delve deeper into your money programing based on your ‘money map’ and clear the blocks that have been holding you back from your true wealth.

In a few days I will send you an email with information about this workshop series. In the meantime, mark your calendar for 6:30 pm Thursday, October 1 for Your Money Challenge and the opportunity to ‘map it out’!
All my best,

Breakthrough Your Money Gap

You are invited to a free talk at the Sandpoint Public Library,

An Evening Workshop on Your Money Paradigm

Thursday Oct. 1, 2015, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

East Bonner County Library

1407 Cedar St.

Sandpoint ID 83864

Challenge My Money Programming

This workshop allows you to look at the programming/ paradigm you carry as your attitude of wealth. Your wealth and money foundation began early in your development and grew and expanded based on your experience and interactions.

Your money paradigm reveals

** what you allow yourself to earn

** whether you “do” activities that amass wealth

** the money reality you will recreate

Your income may be at a great level for you yet your savings account may be dismal. When you look at your debt, how do you feel and what do you say to yourself about it.

Understand your wealth blueprint will stay with you the rest of your life unless you change it. –T. Harv Ekart

In this workshop we will uncover and clarify your programming, challenge that programming to show your wealth set points and clear the emotions and beliefs that keep you there. You will see how to move into the recreation of your own money paradigm by making and supporting your own money goals and choices now.

This workshop is presented by Kay Walker. Call 208.610.5525 for further information.

Download (PDF, 342KB)

Essential Oils


Beautiful butterfly

Beautiful butterfly

It’s magick. Like deep support from a friend, someone who will hold your hand and say “It’s all right”.   Or a gentle arm around your shoulder, walking quietly with you. Feeling this shared presence is a moment of new strength and centeredness that hasn’t come through for quite some time.  Essential oils can invoke this feeling of support.

In my journey through the plant world, navigating my spirit and connecting with some of theirs has been fascinating and solid.  In the world of essential oils I have found no greater allies to connect with and support a person’s desire of change – for physical pain, emotional conflict or a shift into clarity.

It is with respect and mindfulness that I call on the plant world for assistance and support.  With the creation of a multi-oil blend, the synergistic energy(of the plant spirits) subtly comes in to the human body as a kind of facilitator going between the core self’s desire and reminding the body how to carry out these changes.  It is not without your participation that the magick happens.

Sara was a young athletic women I had worked with for about a year.  She was intelligent, compassionate and hard working.  She had many belief systems that we explored, defined and observed. And we were able to release some of the beliefs  that were no longer serving her.

There were a couple of old, deep relationships she was struggling with.  She didn’t want to give up the relationships but the current dynamics were no longer serving her and she didn’t know of another way, short of quitting, to change the hurtful pattern.  We talked through these current issues and over time used energy therapies such as emotional freedom technique (EFT), integrated energy therapy (IET) and essential oils to allow for a shift in how she perceived herself.

When she was with these people, conversations and situations would come up that would trigger old standby responses of anger and defensiveness.  Many sessions would have us going over the triggered event.  Using EFT, we were usually successful in shifting her personal energy and allowing the intense emotions to dissipate.  She would feel more peaceful and leave in a state of calm.

Working through a person’s background of belief systems and trigger points is like peeling an onion.  Many times when triggered emotions come up, they act as a filter.  Sometimes with long time filters and habits in place it can be hard to approach another with clear functional intent.  As the outer triggers fell to the wayside for Sara, more showed up as she worked deeply with herself in becoming aware of the old patterns she wished to shift.

One day she came into the office and I felt an indescribable shift in her energy field.  There were many things going on, especially with these deep relationships she was working through.  It seemed we were back at square one, going over feelings and emotions we had worked with and cleared.  I knew we weren’t starting over.  The expressions were similar to the beginning days, yet there was a palpable difference somehow. I felt her journey was not linear but in the model of a spiral.  Sometimes several issues we work through on the first level are not completely resolved.   And we find that moving forward, we come past them again at a second or third level with more background and experience to handle them. I knew she knew how to work though this yet I was getting a nagging hit from somewhere to offer essential oils to her.  I asked her permission to make a blend of oils and give it to her in the morning.  She was very open to all the energy therapies we had used and was most willing to try this one as well.

That afternoon after Sara left I was able to center myself and connect with a higher source.  I methodically went through each of the oils and energy tested with kinesionics which ones were willing or wanting to work with Sara and the current issues she had coming through like a detox cleansing.  I also tend to personify the plant spirit of these oils.  It’s the style that I have developed and have found it to work well for me.  The next morning was Saturday and I had the oil blend ready for her bright and early.  She was leaving for the weekend and it felt important to me she have it for her trip.

The magick worked.  Many more events and situations came up for her in the next week.  Her plate was full with drama and baggage and joy and sadness.  She later reported to me that in using the oil, a whole team of support opened up to her.  She said she felt an inner strength that allowed her to be who she really was and had been striving to become.  Many of the old patterns from people close to her came up and she wasn’t triggered in a negative way by them.  She was able to be compassionate and come from a place of love within herself.  She was now several more rungs up the spiral.

The magick of the plant spirits through the essential oils is real.  What makes it so powerful is the connection and participation that happens when a person is open to the connection and gives themselves permission to receive what is being given.